Category: Mark: Servanthood + Sacrifice
Following Jesus: A Journey of Servanthood and Sacrifice
An Exposition on the Gospel of Mark
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, showed His disciples the way to His glory is through servanthood and sacrifice. He showed the necessary path they need to tread upon in fulfilling their mission. They need a radical paradigm shift –– exchanging worldly values with kingdom values.
Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). This key verse summarizes what it means to be a Multiplying Disciple––follow the example of Jesus Christ, serve others first, and sacrifice for God’s glory.
In this sermon series, we will know who Jesus Christ is, what He demands from us, and the blessings of following Him. As we journey through the Gospel of Mark, may God sustain our intentional discplemaking and deepen our theological rootedness.
In Christ,
Rev. Lito Villoria
Senior Pastor
GCF South Metro