when the true worshipers will worship the Father
in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such
people to worship him.
John 4:23
Worship is the theme of history. John 4:23 tells us that the Father seeks true worshippers.
In fact, God saves men to worship Him, making it the goal of God’s redemptive plan. That makes worship very important.
To worship God is the very core of a Christian’s response to God – the very heart of his existence. Worship is simply to recognize the worth, value, majesty, honor, and glory of God. The chief duty of every believer is to see the worth of God and to give Him the honor and glory that is due His name. There is nothing more important in a person’s life than to be oriented toward worshipping God.
Therefore, the following non-negotiable Biblical principles guide the programs and practices in our ministry:
1. A correct view of God and His Word. Our worship can never really worthily approximate the homage God really deserves. He is infinitely high above us. God is worthy of worship simply because of who He is, not just for what He has done or will do. But the most awesome realization of all is that God loves sincere worship from His children, even to be called Abba by those who genuinely seek His face.
2. A correct understanding of what true worship is. Worship is all that we are, responding to all that God is. It is giving—giving honor and respect to God. Worship is a consuming desire to give to God, and it involves the giving of ourselves, our heart attitudes, and our possessions.
3. A conviction about our duty (1) to God, to proclaim His glory in worship, to present ourselves in worship through turning our back on the lifestyle of the world, and through bringing one’s thinking in line with God’s Word; (2) to fellow believers, building them up and teaching the Word towards spiritual growth and reproduction; and (3) to witness to the lost about the risen Christ and His gift of salvation by our walk and our talk.

The ministry’s mission is:
“To lead God’s people to worship appropriately
(in spirit and in truth), meaningfully (mind),
fervently (heart), and effectively (outcome).”
Composed of all the singers, instrumentalists, dancers, and presiders, lead us in the liturgical aspect of worship.
Composed of stage managers, ushers, designers, and creative people–design and operate the programs’ flow and further enhance it through various artistic endeavors.
The lights, sounds, video, documentation and projection people who take care of the technical and mechanical aspects behind the scenes but invaluably contribute, nonetheless, to the whole worship experience.
Apart from the Sunday Worship, we also support the worship and music segments of the other ministries’ programs and events, and that of our church plants and like-minded organizations that we partner with. We also conduct various trainings, workshops, and mentoring within and beyond the four walls of the church to expand the hearts and enhance the skills and churchmanship of our volunteers, as well as other churches’ teams that we minister to, by the grace of God.