Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
The NextGen Ministry (NxtGen) is the umbrella ministry comprising the children, youth and young adults of GCF South Metro. As the main thing of our church is to Multiply Disciples, the NextGen’s primary focus is to “Raise and Mentor the Next Generation.” Discipleship happens first and foremost at home but the church, together with the NextGen ministry, serves as their partners. In line with this, different programs are made available for our NextGen to enjoy, learn and experience our Lord. These programs are age specific which cater to the different needs that each group has.
Raising and mentoring our Next Generation is done using the discipleship process that GCF South Metro uses – Draw, Develop and Deploy which are contextualized for the children, youth and young adults. We need not wait for them to grow older because as young as they are, biblical values and teachings are already being inculcated in their hearts and mind. More importantly, our desire is not only for them to grow, learn and embrace Christ, but to eventually share the love and experience that they have acquired passing it on to the coming generations.

The Children’s Ministry desires to assist in the growth of children in the way and manner of the Lord Jesus. We desire to win children for Christ, build them up and eventually assisting them to becoming the next generation of leaders who will continue to love God, uphold His teachings, serving Him with all their hearts and passing on to others the things that they have heard and learned.
Strategic goals:
Sustained discipleship process, authentic prayer and vibrant worship, continuing leadership development.
Bible Classes for Children, Children’s Church, Grow Group for Kids, Summer programs (DVBS, Children’s Camp, Interest Groups, and Junior Apprentic Program), Special events (Children’s day,
Missions day and Friend day)
Youth &
Young Adults
For the Youth and Young Adults, we aim to reach and mentor the next generation by helping this specific age group get geared into God’s Word, providing them environments where they can experience life transformation, and teaching them to disciple others in response to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
We sincerely believe that this age group is a crucial stage in one’s life. This is where most of our pivotal decisions are made—stretching from the personal values we embrace, to our careers, and even matters relating to one’s family life. Thus, we place undeniable emphasis on discipleship that begins within the homes, then extending it to the campuses, workplace and communities.
Interest Groups (e.g. sports, arts), Campus Ministries, Monthly Fellowship
It is such a privilege to invest on the next generation. As Paul exhorted Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-7, we likewise exhort you to pass on sound biblical truths and convictions to reliable men and women who will be able to do the same – all for God’s glory!