Keep on Keeping On
In a nutshell, the theme of the epistle is the resurrection of believers and the rapture of the church at the return of Christ. Since they have confidence the Lord is sure to return, they need to continue living a life pleasing to the Lord. Thus
Paul urged the believers in the Lord Jesus: “…that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.” –1 Thessalonians 4:1
Factions, Failures,
Frictions and the
Faithfulness of God
In this 30-part sermon series entitled Factions, Failures, Frictions and the Faithfulness of God, we will discover Paul’s original intention in writing to the Corinthian church, draw theological principles that are always true, and discern its relevance
in our present context as a church and individual followers of Christ..
Meeting the Master
A 15-part sermon series on gospel characters who encountered Jesus Christ our Master. These people came from all walks of life with different profiles, personalities and professions. Some believed while others did not. Others turned to Christ while
others turned away.
Finding Rest
“The Book of Psalms is a record of God’s call and of his people’s response, enacted a thousand times in history. The Psalms are a photograph album of ancient Israel in its relationship and reaction to God who summons his people and promises his
presence and secures the future. Anytime we interpret the Psalms, a journal of Israel’s life—so filled with joys and sorrows, inscribed with aspirations and failures—we will find ourselves experiencing a catharsis of the soul.” – C. Hassell Bullock